Friday, July 24, 2009

Tyrese - Take Me Away

Ok, I know this is starting to seem like this is just my blog even though I had originally mentioned that there are 3 authors... And there are 3 of us! Just my other 2 authors are ill-equipped. As in they don't have computers/laptops or phones with internet access. Go figure it would be a friend without a computer to suggest we start this blog. LOL! Anyways, I hope they'll get up on here soon enough because believe me they have just as much to say as I do. They're analog girls living in a digital world. Ahaha!

Anyways... Let's get back to the subject. Tyrese's new single, Take Me Away. Oh Tyrese... (SMH) Tyrese... My dear. My sexual chocolate future baby daddy & ex-husband, why must you disappoint me so? Is this another case of losing a singer to the acting world? Because, let's be honest, Mr. Gibson seems to be doing far better in Hollywood than on the radio. This song is horrible! With the Zapp & Roger/T-Pain synthesizer induced vocals that we all know Tyrese does not need. Is he trying to be trendy?! Even the beat is horrible! Fresh replica outta Jennifer Lopez's On The 6 album. Ty baby... Who told you this is ok? Who convinced you to record this shit? This is almost just as bad as your last album! Sweetheart, let's try and bring something back like 'Sweet Lady' or how about 'What Am I Gonna Do' because I'm sure you're asking yourself that right now...

Listen well
Be swell
And remember half the time I really 'Don't Give a Shit'


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