Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Drizzy Drake?! No thizzy thank you...

So as I was on FB yesterday, I see a couple posts talking about the new Drake album and how "they're feeling it" or "they love it" - made me wanna throw up... a little. I still don't understand the fascination with Drake?! He sounds like he's tryin' too hard, he looks retarded and I suppose once an artist claims to be the greatest when they're clearly not, is what takes the cake. Now I've never been mad at those music artists who dive into the commercial pool simply to make money. But when they seek respect in the game for their commercialism - ni99a please! And then I have fellow friends that usually like the same artists I do talking about they love Drake! I guess it just disappoints me a bit. It's like, how can I respect the fact that we even like the same music when you like Drake?! LoL! Perhaps one day I'll get over the Drake-hype and not really care if you like him or not but right now... At this very instant... I just can't, I won't, I refuse to ingest the supposed artist by the name of Drake. And I can't tolerate the "loving" of his washed up sound and extra-medium music. Missed me with that shit.

Listen well
Be swell
And remember half the time I really 'Don't Give a Shit'


1 comment:

  1. I completely, 110 percent agree with you. Have you ever watched Saved by the Bell when they would show those nerds sometimes? He sounds JUST like the black nerd with the flat top and glasses! Like a dang frog. And my boo was bumpin his album the past couple of days. What is it, some kind of emo album? His voice sucks when he sings and when he does rap, I keep picturing that nerd from Saved by the Bell. Drizzy Drake needs to go hizzy home, step aside and let the real emcees (who need exposure) shine!
