Thursday, May 20, 2010

Your love is a one in a... Milian?

I graciously received an email from my cousin today adorning the (dis)likes of a link to a video on YouTube. Accompanied with her comments of "oh hell to the no" and "Why oh why????!!!!". Now usually we are highly agreeable when it comes to music - a recent discovery that we have grown to cherish. However, she may just faint in disbelief when I say... I actually like The-Dream's take on Aaliyah's One In A Million. I know - How dare The-Dream take a bite of Aaliyah's legacy! Along with the fact that no modern day music artist can ever remake any of Aaliyah's songs remotely close enough to even touch her originals. But... I like The-Dream and I like Aaliyah and I like the song One In A Million therefore I like The-Dream singing One In A Million! Ah pick up your jaws people. It's not like he totally butchered the song. Provided there are a couple "eps" dished into it and the beat is slightly tweaked, it's easy on the ears. Well, my ears anyway.

It goes on and on and on... Ep.

Listen well
Be swell
And remember half the time I really 'Don't Give a Shit'



  1. Ha, you always crack me up, even when we disagree on something! Maybe you heard something I didn't. But maybe thsi song is just meant for a girl to sang. Don't get me wrong - I like The Dream, but some songs are just better left untouched. After all, her version is "One in a Million."

  2. I smell ya Cuz! Some songs are definitely better left untouched. And for Aaliyah's sake, I think all her songs shouldn't be remade. Dream gets a B- for simply remaking it, but an A for effort! Ep.
