Thursday, May 20, 2010

I can dig it. Diggy...

Ok so this should make my cousin feel better after our opposition with The-Dream & Aaliyah's One In A Million. =)

Little Diggy is growing up. Fresh outta puberty, who woulda thought that sweet crackling voice would come around full throttle?! Although you'd have to admit, amongst all of Rev Run's kids he seems the most serious and the most driven. So I'm not at all surprised that he's beginning a successful climb in his teen years. A sound catering to the ever growing fad of hipster kids & adults and along with his upcoming clothing line... then throw in a bit of Pharrell as his mentor - Diggy is doin' it! You knew Rev Run's musical genesis would finally shine. (Sorry Jojo but your wack trio wasn't cuttin' it. Be jealous. It's ok. He's your brother, your jealousy will be excused.)

Listen well
Be swell
And remember half the time I really 'Don't Give a Shit'



  1. You need to write for a hip hop mag already, cuz! This blog was on point and I dig that you dig Diggy as well! :D

  2. And I dig that you dig me digging Diggy! Say that 5x fast! LoL!
