Monday, October 11, 2010

Kid Cudi | Man On The Moon II: The Legend of Mr. Rager

I *heart* Twitter... Some folks may think nothing but status updates are fairly uneventful but not if you're following those that have more of a fan base than you ever will. Following music celebs makes Twitter ever so gratifying because you hear news about upcoming concerts, videos & album releases. And this morning, thanks to the wonderful Maxwell, I now know that not only is November 9, 2010 a significant date in my life (being my 31st bday and all...) it's also the date that Kid Cudi releases his 2nd studio album - Man On The Moon II: The Legend of Mr. Rager. And I'd want nothing more for my bday this year =) Even if no one reads this post, I'm not hard up, it'll be a bday gift to myself. Happy mu'fuckin' birthday to me!

Listen well
Be swell
And remember half the time I really 'Don't Give a Shit'


1 comment:

  1. Tight! Well, with this post, you'll probably end up w/ more than one copy of it!! haha!
