A couple weeks ago, the same day we were supposed to go get our Big Boi tickets, my sister/concert buddy unfortunately lost her job. I then thought all extracurricular spending would have to be put on hold and it was unavoidably decided that we'd no longer go see Big Boi. Last week, as my cousin was hyping up for Big Boi's concert in Vegas, the thought of missing the opportunity to see Big Boi live in my city kept on in my head. A die-hard Outkast fan and a definite fan of Big Boi and Andre 3000 as individual artists, I never had the opportunity to see Outkast perform live and I also thought, "I CAN'T miss Big Boi... WE can't miss Big Boi!" So this past Thursday I decided to surprise my sister. I gathered up a bit of funds and took my happy butt down to the Showbox SoDo box office, heart just a'pounding when I asked, "Can I have 2 tickets to the Big Boi show please?". Tickets in hand, got in my car, did a little yelp and quickly took a pic of the tickets to send to my cousin in Vegas. Valerie so happened to stop by our sister's house after hot yoga so I excitedly dropped the envelope with the tickets in front of her and I said, "We can't miss this!"Overwhelmed and struck with glee, the smile on her face made me feel great! And we gon' feel even greater on Saturday, October 23rd ;)
Listen well Be swell And remember half the time I really 'Don't Give a Shit'
Big deal she's only 9 years old... She obviously has the sweltering talent of song. And even though I'm sure through studio wonderment they made her sound a teensie bit older than she really does, it doesn't take away from the fact that this song makes you wanna whip your hair. Don't front, you know it does ;)
Listen well Be swell And remember half the time I really 'Don't Give a Shit'