(In my most swanky English accent) "Yeah, so I woke up one morning and I thought 'To hell with this bloody alcohol and crack-cocaine! My goddaughter can sing almost as good as me so why don't I help her?!' So I hit the little bugger up and told her to meet me in a dash and then I sought to see what money I had left from selling the 10 million albums that I did of Back To Black. And despite the rubbish, by george I had the money!"
Ahaha! Ok, I wish y'all can hear me reading that aloud! My accent is to die! Anyway, not really here to poke fun at the Winehouser as I, indeed, am I fan. Only here to let you know about her new record label, Lioness Records and the first artist to sign; her goddaughter, Dionne Bromfield. She's only 13 but obviously carries an old voice straight outta the 60's and well... reminiscent of Amy herself. Her debut album is scheduled for release on Oct. 12th and will only showcase covers from popular songs from the 60's & 70's, thus it may cause her fanbase to stem from those in their 50's rather than in their teens. Kids these days are too busy Jerkin' and fiddling with their iPhones to pay attention to someone like Dionne Bromfield. Or perhaps they will catch on but not know shit from spit that the songs she's singing are classics.
So those older and wiser and that know what real music sounds like, take a listen to Dionne Bromfield. And only listen. No looking. She's not legal yet ;)
Introducing Dionne Bromfield
Listen well
Be swell
And remember half the time I really 'Don't Give a Shit'