This year I get BlackStar!
I've seen Mos Def live and Talib Kweli live on separate occasions. I haven't been privileged to see them as BlackStar just yet. However, that'll soon be checked off my concert-going list. Gracing Seattle on (remember, remember) the 5th of November... Tickets go on sale starting this Friday, Sept. 30th at 10am and they're only, a splendidly priced, $35 a piece (plus applicable fees).
I am beyond excited for this one. I've been such an eager fan for such a long time, I'd be short of insanity if I passed this concert up.
My happy-ass is mad dashing to Showbox SoDo come my next payday. Unless... one of my lovely people would like to buy my ticket. I mean, it'd make just about the perfect birthday gift - something I would love at a reasonable price?! I'm just sayin'. ;)
Click here for more details and to purchase tickets online.
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And remember half the time I really 'Don't Give a Shit'
The horrible stank and the beautiful funk of our music world. Do you smell that?
Monday, September 26, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Hopie | Off Tonight
One of my favorite, independent, female MCs - Ms. Hopie Spitta - left me with anticipation all week. An upcoming release of the video for Off Tonight - one of the tracks from her latest, Dulce Vita.
Finally getting the chance amongst my morning turmoil to peep the video out, there's no surprise that I'm most pleased. In addition to the relatable and up-front lyrics - to add white lace leggings, dancing bears and a 1960's (timeframe) white Ford Mustang with the black top... Shut yo' mouth and partake in the sight & sound.
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And remember half the time I really 'Don't Give a Shit'
Finally getting the chance amongst my morning turmoil to peep the video out, there's no surprise that I'm most pleased. In addition to the relatable and up-front lyrics - to add white lace leggings, dancing bears and a 1960's (timeframe) white Ford Mustang with the black top... Shut yo' mouth and partake in the sight & sound.
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And remember half the time I really 'Don't Give a Shit'
Dulce Vita,
Hopie Spitshard,
Hopie Spitta,
Off Tonight
Friday, July 8, 2011
Night Falls Tour
So last Tuesday I got an email/concert update from Showbox - I always skim these emails just to see who may be coming to perform in my city. Under the "Just Announced" section, I'm scrolling... Evaline? No... Cut Chemist? No... Young Jeezy?! Um, maybe... If it was 2005! Chromeo... Chromeo?! With Mayer Hawthorne & The County?! What?! WHAT?! I dang near jizzed in my panties. Not only is Chromeo one of my favorite duos but on tour with the Mayer?! It was like someone just told me I won the lottery in all 50 states! Oh the little things that (good) music does to me...
I quickly asked my usual concert buddies if they'd like to attend this phenomenal concert with me. My sister said no. Boo. But my bestie said YES! Hells yes! I think she may be just as, if not more, excited than I am because she went for the pre-sale. I didn't take that option because of the added fees that they get you with when buying tickets online and especially thru Ticketmaster. So I will be driving my happy ass down to the Showbox SoDo sometime next week to purchase my ticket at their box office - with their awesomely minimal $2 fee - my ticket shall remain under $30. Deals fo' reals! Especially to be most entertained by the magnificence which will exude from this particular tour. On October 10, 2011... Chromayer's about to rock my mu'fuckin' world!
More info and to buy tickets for the Night Falls Tour
(Mayer's take on Chromeo's Don't Turn The Lights On. Superb.)
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And remember half the time I really 'Don't Give a Shit'
I quickly asked my usual concert buddies if they'd like to attend this phenomenal concert with me. My sister said no. Boo. But my bestie said YES! Hells yes! I think she may be just as, if not more, excited than I am because she went for the pre-sale. I didn't take that option because of the added fees that they get you with when buying tickets online and especially thru Ticketmaster. So I will be driving my happy ass down to the Showbox SoDo sometime next week to purchase my ticket at their box office - with their awesomely minimal $2 fee - my ticket shall remain under $30. Deals fo' reals! Especially to be most entertained by the magnificence which will exude from this particular tour. On October 10, 2011... Chromayer's about to rock my mu'fuckin' world!
More info and to buy tickets for the Night Falls Tour
(Mayer's take on Chromeo's Don't Turn The Lights On. Superb.)
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And remember half the time I really 'Don't Give a Shit'
Mayer Hawthorne,
Night Falls Tour,
Thursday, July 7, 2011
June 2011 re-cap: In my music world...
June 2, 2011 - The Hooligans In Wondaland Tour. Featuring Janelle Monae & Bruno Mars with Mayer Hawthorne opening. I went with my favorite gal pals and our dinner ran over so, unfortunately, we missed Mayer's opening performance. But we were just in time for Janelle Monae!
And saying I got my life during her set is probably an understatement. I thoroughly enjoyed myself - singing and dancing along to every song she performed. Her performance was vibrant, feel-good & wondrous. I would likely detain all other life-happenings whenever, and every time, I get a chance to see her perform. She's that good and totally worth the continuous experience.
After her set, there was a slight intermission and I was standing in the lobby-type area waiting for part of my crew. I looked to my left and standing about 10ft away from me was none other than the great Mayer Hawthorne! I blinked twice and shook my head, nudged my bestie to look and tell me that she sees who I see. We looked at each other and began our approach. He was hanging with a couple of his band mates from The County and was only surrounded by a handful of fans waiting for autographs and pictures. While we excitedly waited for our turn, I mentally told myself to cool my jets and not to seem overzealous. As soon as it was clear, I slowly approached him and asked if we can take a pic with him.
After our group pic, I said my thanks and we walked away. But it wasn't over. My best friend REALLY wanted his autograph. So we approached him once more to ask him to sign our ticket stubs. This time, I sparked up a friendly conversation. And he has got to be one of the most chill & humble musicians ever. I quickly felt like I was speaking to one of my homeboys. We got our autographs and took one more pic then gleefully walked off. Thinking we were a safe distance away, as my best friend and I were talking about The County members that were with him, I playfully said, "Where's Topher?" - his guitarist that I've been (only slightly) crushing on since November of last year... But too bad we were still within earshot of MH & his people because they heard me! Ahaha! So embarrassing!
I skipped out on watching Bruno Mars perform, which is who more than half the people there wanted to see. Boo. Not that he's not a good singer but I'm just not a fan. But being able to see Janelle Monae (again) was totally worth going. And seeing, taking pictures & speaking with Mayer Hawthorne totally made up for missing his set. Totally. I am an adoring and committed fan and can't wait for the next time I'll be able to see either of them perform live.
June 17, 2011 - The Cud Life Tour. Oh if I had a dollar for all the skinny jean-wearing/can't-hold-their-liquor/don't-know-how-to-discreetly-smoke-their-weed teenagers that I saw at this concert, I woulda walked out a millionaire. Ok, maybe not a millionaire but I woulda likely left the concert with a ton of cash. But that didn't stop me from enjoying my first time seeing Kid Cudi perform live. His opener, Chip Tha Ripper, was excellent. His rhymes were real and to the point and his beats had me nostalgic - found myself back in 1994, turning up the gangsta beats blasting outta my older sister's Escort! If you're a fan of Cudi, you've gotta find yourself automatically a fan of Chip.
Cudi was simply out of this world. He took it back to his mix-tape days, of course did songs off of his two official studio albums and he even performed Kanye's All Of The Lights. And he had a live band with him. I can always appreciate a Hip Hop artist more when they come out with a live band as opposed to a DJ. The sound of a live band just makes the concert experience so much better.
During his set he spoke to the crowd, he drew energy from the crowd... And he made sure he gave as much back to the crowd as the crowd was giving him. It was a long set, which I also appreciated since a lot of artists now-a-days can likely seem too busy for their fans and either wanna be late or cut their set short... Cudi also brought Cage out to do Maniac as well as let him perform one of his own songs, I Never Knew You. The song was kinda depressing but that's him and I can dig it. And Cudi also brought Chip Tha Ripper back out to do a few of their songs together. And when they did All Talk... Oh it was over for me! I was feeling myself during that song just about as much as Cudi felt himself during his whole set! Ahaha!
Oh and did I mention I was fighting a mean and nasty cold that decided it wanted to germ me up just the day before the concert?! But I missed Cudi the last time he was in Seattle and I told myself, "Even if my sister and best friend have to wheel-chair my ass up into this concert... I'ma see Kid Cudi!" Nothing was gonna stop me. Seattle coulda been in the middle of a natural disaster and I still woulda went! So fuck a cold-germ! I took my DayQuil and light-headedly skipped my ass into that venue! Ahaha!
Overall, The Cud Life Tour gave me just that... life! Probably one of the better concerts put in my concert-going history book. I had an absolutely great time, stumbling teenagers and snot coming up out my nose and all.
P.S. Kid Cudi also mentioned a short-film that he'll be releasing this October, featuring Cage and directed by Shia Labeouf, entitled (what else?)... Maniac.
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And remember half the time I really 'Don't Give a Shit'
After her set, there was a slight intermission and I was standing in the lobby-type area waiting for part of my crew. I looked to my left and standing about 10ft away from me was none other than the great Mayer Hawthorne! I blinked twice and shook my head, nudged my bestie to look and tell me that she sees who I see. We looked at each other and began our approach. He was hanging with a couple of his band mates from The County and was only surrounded by a handful of fans waiting for autographs and pictures. While we excitedly waited for our turn, I mentally told myself to cool my jets and not to seem overzealous. As soon as it was clear, I slowly approached him and asked if we can take a pic with him.
I skipped out on watching Bruno Mars perform, which is who more than half the people there wanted to see. Boo. Not that he's not a good singer but I'm just not a fan. But being able to see Janelle Monae (again) was totally worth going. And seeing, taking pictures & speaking with Mayer Hawthorne totally made up for missing his set. Totally. I am an adoring and committed fan and can't wait for the next time I'll be able to see either of them perform live.
June 17, 2011 - The Cud Life Tour. Oh if I had a dollar for all the skinny jean-wearing/can't-hold-their-liquor/don't-know-how-to-discreetly-smoke-their-weed teenagers that I saw at this concert, I woulda walked out a millionaire. Ok, maybe not a millionaire but I woulda likely left the concert with a ton of cash. But that didn't stop me from enjoying my first time seeing Kid Cudi perform live. His opener, Chip Tha Ripper, was excellent. His rhymes were real and to the point and his beats had me nostalgic - found myself back in 1994, turning up the gangsta beats blasting outta my older sister's Escort! If you're a fan of Cudi, you've gotta find yourself automatically a fan of Chip.
Cudi was simply out of this world. He took it back to his mix-tape days, of course did songs off of his two official studio albums and he even performed Kanye's All Of The Lights. And he had a live band with him. I can always appreciate a Hip Hop artist more when they come out with a live band as opposed to a DJ. The sound of a live band just makes the concert experience so much better.

Oh and did I mention I was fighting a mean and nasty cold that decided it wanted to germ me up just the day before the concert?! But I missed Cudi the last time he was in Seattle and I told myself, "Even if my sister and best friend have to wheel-chair my ass up into this concert... I'ma see Kid Cudi!" Nothing was gonna stop me. Seattle coulda been in the middle of a natural disaster and I still woulda went! So fuck a cold-germ! I took my DayQuil and light-headedly skipped my ass into that venue! Ahaha!
Overall, The Cud Life Tour gave me just that... life! Probably one of the better concerts put in my concert-going history book. I had an absolutely great time, stumbling teenagers and snot coming up out my nose and all.
P.S. Kid Cudi also mentioned a short-film that he'll be releasing this October, featuring Cage and directed by Shia Labeouf, entitled (what else?)... Maniac.
Listen well
Be swell
And remember half the time I really 'Don't Give a Shit'
Chip Tha Ripper,
Janelle Monae,
Kid Cudi,
Mayer Hawthorne,
Friday, May 27, 2011
Century ft Ayo | Heaven
Within constant disappointment in my city's local Hip Hop acts, I drew a refreshingly light breathe when I came across the locality of another genre - back to the goodness of R&B...
Century, a friend whom I've casually known the past few years, has recently dropped a new video. Without a clue that he was even pursuing music, I was pleasantly surprised. The video was shot excellently and the song draws definite attraction.
I may not be much of a fan of Seattle's Hip Hop but I can definitely get used to the possibilities that lounge within Seattle's R&B...
(Keep doing what you do Trey!)
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And remember half the time I really 'Don't Give a Shit'
Century, a friend whom I've casually known the past few years, has recently dropped a new video. Without a clue that he was even pursuing music, I was pleasantly surprised. The video was shot excellently and the song draws definite attraction.
I may not be much of a fan of Seattle's Hip Hop but I can definitely get used to the possibilities that lounge within Seattle's R&B...
(Keep doing what you do Trey!)
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And remember half the time I really 'Don't Give a Shit'
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Mayer Hawthorne | Impressions
My fellow MH lovers... DO NOT HESITATE! Rolling Stone & Mayer Hawthorne are offering his first EP cover album for free! Yup! You read me right. FREE!
And just when I thought I couldn't adore him as an artist anymore... Can't get any better than MH covering some classics as well as some newer song selections, putting his own signature Mayerful twist to them. Or on second thought, it probably could get better. We're talking about Mayer Hawthorne here. It will always get better. Mm. God love him.
Click the link below to read the Rolling Stone article and get to the link for your free download...
MH | Impressions | the covers EP
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And remember half the time I really 'Don't Give a Shit'
And just when I thought I couldn't adore him as an artist anymore... Can't get any better than MH covering some classics as well as some newer song selections, putting his own signature Mayerful twist to them. Or on second thought, it probably could get better. We're talking about Mayer Hawthorne here. It will always get better. Mm. God love him.
Click the link below to read the Rolling Stone article and get to the link for your free download...
MH | Impressions | the covers EP
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And remember half the time I really 'Don't Give a Shit'
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Rocky Rivera ft Raka Dun | Girl Like Me
Feeling the reggae-vibe (and that pink lipstick ;) off of Ms. Rocky Rivera's latest video. Takes me back to 2002/2003 - up in the club, dancing like I was straight outta a Sean Paul video. And can't beat checkin' out Raka Dun's kinda cute ass. Not sayin' he's hella hella fine but I'd let him..... Lordamercy.
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And remember half the time I really 'Don't Give a Shit'
Listen well
Be swell
And remember half the time I really 'Don't Give a Shit'
Friday, April 22, 2011
Good Friday... Earth Day... Be Still Young Heart Day...
Just as I posted a shout-out to my fellow musichead/cousin on my Twitter/Facebook, I see a post from Big Boi. The official video for Be Still is finally complete. Although I love the song, the video didn't exactly excite me. With a make believe comic backdrop, constant transitions and... 'Daddy Fat Saxxx' cheerleaders?! For the seemingly laid back song Be Still is, what's the significance of the cheerleaders?! They're rhythmically horrible and simply unappealing. Now I'm sure Big Boi had some kinda vision for the video of this song but I can't seem to find the relevance. But I guess that's the art of being a musician - or any kind of artist for that matter - you don't really have to make sense to your audience as long as it makes sense to you. And it never hurts to get a little Big Boi & Janelle Monae in your life. Even if the video's not spectacular, the song still is.
Click on the link below to watch the video:
Big Boi ft Janelle Monae | Be Still
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And remember half the time I really 'Don't Give a Shit'
Click on the link below to watch the video:
Big Boi ft Janelle Monae | Be Still
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Be swell
And remember half the time I really 'Don't Give a Shit'
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Where the B.U. at?!
Back in HIGH school, my friends and I shortly (for one night) merged our clique with an outside clique. These girls, although fun, seemed to have a trademark saying that night, or rather one particular girl... "Where the B.U. at?!". Perhaps my clique was still undisclosed to the likes of slang outside of our hood but we quickly understood what it meant... Where the BUD at? The ganja... The cheeba... The chronic... The buddha... The reefer... The pot... The green... Although we never clarified with the girl, what "B.U." literally stood for - as long as we knew what she was talking about, we were ready to hot box.
So today is 4/20... Now how did 4/20 become our nation's unofficial weed holiday? I bet most of you don't even know. Well, for you, I googled... ;)
"420, 4:20 or 4/20 (pronounced four-twenty) refers to consumption of cannabis and, by extension, a way to identify oneself with cannabis subculture. The notable day for these is April 20.
The term was allegedly coined by a group of teenagers in San Rafael, California in 1971. Calling themselves the Waldos, because "their chosen hang-out spot was a wall outside the school," the group first used the term in connection to a fall 1971 plan to search for an abandoned cannabis crop that they had learned about. The Waldos designated the Louis Pasteur statue on the grounds of San Rafael High School as their meeting place, and 4:20 p.m. as their meeting time. The Waldos referred to this plan with the phrase "4:20 Louis". Multiple failed attempts to find the crop eventually shortened their phrase to simply "4:20", which ultimately evolved into a codeword the teens used to mean pot-smoking in general."
So now feeling a bit more educated on this fine, green-smoking day, light it up my friends. And for you, I provide not only a tidbit of a reefer history lesson but some marijuana specific tunes - to add loveliness to the haze...
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And remember half the time I really 'Don't Give a Shit'
So today is 4/20... Now how did 4/20 become our nation's unofficial weed holiday? I bet most of you don't even know. Well, for you, I googled... ;)
"420, 4:20 or 4/20 (pronounced four-twenty) refers to consumption of cannabis and, by extension, a way to identify oneself with cannabis subculture. The notable day for these is April 20.
The term was allegedly coined by a group of teenagers in San Rafael, California in 1971. Calling themselves the Waldos, because "their chosen hang-out spot was a wall outside the school," the group first used the term in connection to a fall 1971 plan to search for an abandoned cannabis crop that they had learned about. The Waldos designated the Louis Pasteur statue on the grounds of San Rafael High School as their meeting place, and 4:20 p.m. as their meeting time. The Waldos referred to this plan with the phrase "4:20 Louis". Multiple failed attempts to find the crop eventually shortened their phrase to simply "4:20", which ultimately evolved into a codeword the teens used to mean pot-smoking in general."
So now feeling a bit more educated on this fine, green-smoking day, light it up my friends. And for you, I provide not only a tidbit of a reefer history lesson but some marijuana specific tunes - to add loveliness to the haze...
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And remember half the time I really 'Don't Give a Shit'
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
I Find It Hard to... Pay?! (Rebel)
Lauryn Hill is gracing Seattle with her presence on May 22, 2011. But $65/ticket?! Come on now. I mean, I'm just as much a Lauryn-fan as the next and maybe I woulda paid that much during her miseducated days. But $65?! Am I just being frugal? Ok... I'm sure she'll bring satisfaction to her audience the way I know that she can but, for one, the concert's at The Showbox SoDo, not quite the sparkly venue (not to mention I've never paid over $40 to attend a concert at The Showbox). And secondly, unless she's gonna come out doing some Erykah Badu-type-shit (if you've ever seen Ms. Badu perform live, you know what I'm talkin' about...), the ticket price has me thinking that I'll pass.
Besides I saw her in concert back in 2002 and was delighted yet disappointed - she was rudely dope. Rude by her audience & stage crew but dope in her song-selection & performance. So notioning to pass on seeing her again doesn't have me too questionable as she's already an archive in my concert life.
But if anyone does go see her, lemme know how she was - if I may have missed out or if I didn't really miss anything at all...
Event details & tickets
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And remember half the time I really 'Don't Give a Shit'
Besides I saw her in concert back in 2002 and was delighted yet disappointed - she was rudely dope. Rude by her audience & stage crew but dope in her song-selection & performance. So notioning to pass on seeing her again doesn't have me too questionable as she's already an archive in my concert life.
But if anyone does go see her, lemme know how she was - if I may have missed out or if I didn't really miss anything at all...
Event details & tickets
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And remember half the time I really 'Don't Give a Shit'
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